Monday, 8 June 2015

How to start with a different Customer ID in Magento?

But it will done by MySql query. Run the below query manually and
 you will get the user id starts from 200001.
ALTER TABLE customer_entity AUTO_INCREMENT = 200001;

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Defer parsing of JavaScript in Magento

Copy /app/code/core/Mage/Page/Block/Html/Head.php
Go to line 204 and add an defer in line 205
// static and skin javascripts

 $html .= $this->_prepareStaticAndSkinElements('<script type="text/javascript" defer src="%s"%s></script>' . "\n",
            empty($items['js']) ? array() : $items['js'],
            empty($items['skin_js']) ? array() : $items['skin_js'],
            $shouldMergeJs ? array(Mage::getDesign(), 'getMergedJsUrl') : null

Friday, 24 April 2015

Magento Paypal Express bug: Guest user name not save

If user name not show in admin when place an order with paypal express as guest.

Please find below file and replace code:

protected function _prepareGuestQuote()
        $quote = $this->_quote;

        return $this;

Friday, 16 January 2015

Magento: Display currency symbol after price

Open file: /lib/Zend/Currency.php

position'  => self::STANDARD,


'position'  => self::RIGHT,